In addition to the challenges in logistics, such as a lack of drivers or digitization, Elflein simultaneously develops vehicles specially optimized for our customers. One of the tasks was to reduce the transport costs of a project with a daily mileage of 1,250 kilometres by 50%. The load consists of high-volume components with low unit numbers. Taking these requirements into consideration, Elflein and the customer started a competition for the best solution. After several rounds and the first tests, a solution that was practicable in everyday operations was presented. This solution was simulated on real processes and implemented.
These vehicles have been in use since April 2018. Even the first days showed the expected results and the vehicles were optimally integrated into the daily procedures. Thus, thanks to the collaboration of the customer, the car manufacturer and Elflein, an enormous economic and environmental success was achieved. Every day, this cross-border relationship is served by 12 trucks instead of 24. That specifically means reducing the number of vehicles by 50% and making a saving of approx. 15,000 kilometres per business day or 3,600,000 kilometres per year, thus saving the environment. The saving corresponds to the unrealized consumption of 900,000 litres of oil or a reduction of CO2 emissions by 2,620 tons per year.
Solutions like that can only be supported by the early involvement of our customers in the discussion about demanding projects, and a demand for innovations. The result fully corresponds to Elflein’s ambitions to play the “Premier League in transport and logistics”, saves the environment and benefits our customers in economic terms.